What's New With Heaven?

Heaven is now a member of the NYC theatre company, Blessed Unrest! Within this experimental and physical-based theatre ensemble, she is ecstatic to evolve and continue her development in theatre and devising modalities such as modern dance, Viewpoints, Grotowski, Butoh, Lecoq, and Suzuki. Heaven is thankful to rigorously train and experiment with generous, collaborative, and passionate artists.

Heaven has also been directing, choreographing, and devising original musicals with young folks around all five boroughs of NYC with TADA! Youth Theatre. As a theatre and dance instructor, she teaches 300+ students and is honored to bear witness to all their magic. Having the opportunity to work with such bright, creative young minds is an absolute joy!

Finally, Heaven recently earned a position in Marquis Studios’ Teaching Artist Training Institute (TATI). Her curriculum is focused on arts education and best practices for working with students with disabilities. With a mix of observational visits and professional development seminars, she is developing skills in multi-disciplinary arts learning with students who are neurodiverse and students with physical disabilities.

Creating to Inspire.

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